Hearts of iron 4 steam key generator
Hearts of iron 4 steam key generator

hearts of iron 4 steam key generator

If a modded starting system was not used the player's starting science ship will always be 0.

  • Ship IDs can be read by hovering over a ship in the fleet window.
  • If a modded starting system was not used the player's empire will always be 0.
  • Empire IDs can be read by hovering over an empire's flag in the contacts menu or its borders on the galaxy map.
  • hearts of iron 4 steam key generator

    If a modded starting system was not used the player's starting leaders will always be 0 (ruler), 1 (governor) and 2-4 (scientists).

  • Leader IDs can be read by hovering over a leader in the leaders or empire menus.
  • If a modded starting system was not used the player's species will always be 0 for the main species and 1 for the syncretic/cyborg/bio-trophy/prepatent species.
  • Species IDs can be read by hovering over a species in the species menu.
  • Species, leader, empire and pop IDs however are defined when the game is created and have to be found with the debugtooltip command. Most IDs are predefined and can be found on the ID page.

    Hearts of iron 4 steam key generator